Monday, April 2, 2012

Featured Author: Javier (click here)

Javier wrote a very exciting story about facing his fear of riding a bull.  Javier did a great job breaking his narrative into paragraphs.  Since publishing this story, he has learned to identify his different paragraphs with line indentions instead of a skipped line.  This allows him to use all 26 lines for his exciting events!  I have included an example of what a paragraph indention should look like below.

Be sure to read below his published story to see how Javier planned his story.  He used a wonderful revising technique to add some very important details.  You will also see an artist at work. Javier drew a scene from this story to share with you!

Javier did a wonderful revising technique where he added some very exciting and important details to his draft before publishing.  Check out how he used the numbering system, and then on another page added supporting information and details.

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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Featured Author: Andre (Click here)

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Featured Author: Hunter (click here)

My first featured author today is Hunter.  He was writing a story about a time in a new place or situation.  As you all know, Texas Rangers stories make a strong connection with me because I can remember my first game as a kid. 

In the future, Hunter will organize his writing into paragraphs and squeeze these short stories into one page.  I also spoke to Hunter about focusing on the main idea of his story.  He used wonderful words to describe his experience, but I encourage Hunter to focus his writing on his most important details and events.

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Featured Author: April (click here)

April wrote a fun story about her adventures in babysitting.  Her word choice lets me picture all the crazy things she saw that day.  I wish April would have spent a few more sentences telling us about the hilarious things the kids were doing.  Exciting supporting details always make a story more fun! 

April, great message in your conclusion!

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Featured Author: Lily (click here)

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Featured Author: Javier (click here)

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