Sunday, March 25, 2012

Featured Author: Ryan (click here)

Ryan wrote an exciting story about a time he found himself in a new situation, the scary haunted house!

Please provide positive feedback for our authors.
Comment as "Name/URL"
Students - use your first name only, leave URL blank and press publish.


  1. I love your dialogue Ryan

  2. i like how you never used the word said

  3. That story took my head off literally!ARE YOU CRAZY!

  4. Ryan your story really brought me out of the class room.I loved everything about it I felt like I wished I could be with you.


On a Desktop Computer:
Comment as "Name/URL"
Students - use your first name only and leave URL blank
Press publish.

On a mobile device:
Choose "Anonymous"
Then put your name at the end of your comment
Example: "I love your meaningful conclusion! - Mr.Adams"
Press publish.