Friday, February 22, 2013

Welcome new readers!!

Hello new readers!!

     I am very excited to share the writing from my third and fourth grade authors.  My students will tell you that we work hard to write every day.  I am very proud of their work and can't wait to share their ideas and compositions with you and your families.  This gives you a new way to interact with our classroom.  My goal is that through this interactive experience, learning and sharing will continue outside classroom leading our children to grow as writers and readers

Below, you can read our goals for each day to become an excellent "WRITER."


  1. I think I've seen that before.

  2. I like the smiling pencil and the red baseball cap. I also like how you did an acrostic explaining what we need to do every day. I will be a WRITER every day.

  3. Pencils do not wear * Converse Tennies! Plus Red Baseball caps don't just float in the air! ;)

  4. I am happy to say every time I feel like I cant do a hard prompt I just look am and see this and I think its really nice thank you all my 4th grade teachers you really do help me :)

  5. I think that is a good inspiring image I want to be a teacher when I grow


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